From a priest in Brazil to the Pope

Dear Pope Francis!

Actually, you’re guilty!

You’re guilty of being a man and not being an angel!

You’re guilty because you have the humility to accept that you’re wrong and ask forgiveness. Ask forgiveness for you and for us. And that for many is unacceptable.

You’re guilty because you didn’t want to be a judge, a man of law, and you’re an example and a testimony of mercy.

You’re guilty because you abandoned the tradition of living in palaces and chose to live like ordinary people.

Guilty because you left the sumptuousness of Saint John of the lateran and preferred to visit the poverty of prisons, orphanages, hospitals, etc.

You’re guilty!

You stopped kissing the perfumed feet of the eminences and you kiss the ” dirty ” Feet of convicts, women, sick, people of other religious denominations, people ” different “!

You are condemned because you opened the doors to the refugees and because in front of painful and waiting subjects you simply answer: ” who am I to judge?”.

You are doomed because you assume your fragility by asking you to pray for you while many require you to be dogmatic, intolerant and regulatory.

Pope Francis, you are guilty of so many so-called ” infidels “, ” excommunicated ” and ” impure ” who have rediscovered, thanks to you, the beautiful face of Christ full of tenderness and mercy.

You’re guilty because ” you call things by their names ” and you don’t stop reminding the bishops that they’re not airport pastors but must wear ” the smell of their sheep “.

You’re guilty because you tore the pages of intolerance, Sterile And Ruthless Morales, and you offered us the beauty of compassion, tenderness and sincerity.

You’re guilty because you opened our eyes, those of intelligence and reason, but especially the eyes of the heart..

You are guilty of wanting to carry the cross of the church instead of diverting the look, being indifferent to the pain and tears of the men of our time.

You’re guilty because you can’t stand the heinous crimes made in the name of God and those who speak of God but live against him.

You are guilty because you seek truth and justice, by mercy, instead of silence, hide, minimize or ignore.

You’re guilty because you don’t want a church of privileges and benefits, glories, and you teach us the strength of the service, the wealth of the foot enema and the greatness of simplicity.

Pope François let you blame for these “crimes”. you know that by your side they are countless these men and women who, like you, are not angels, but fragile people, sinners, who hope that Christ watches over us and for us.

You know that with you there is a huge procession of hearts that pray for you every moment; for you they would risk their lives. They follow you like sheep who trust their pastor.

It was Christ who put you on the stand of this “boat” that is the church.

Christ will give you the strength to pursue this path of “guilt” that has done so well in the world and church.

Dear Pope François Thank you for being “guilty” to make the church beautiful as the dream Jesus.

Father Antoine Teixeira

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