National Consecration of Families to Saint Joseph & Launching of the Men of St. Joseph

Nov 17, 2021

To: All National Lay Organizations and Diocesan Councils of the Laity,:

May we forward to you the circular below announcing the plans for the December 8, 2021 National Consecration of Families to St. Joseph and the Launching of the Men of St. Joseph.

We request you to read well the circular and forward this to your Parish Priests, Community Leaders and members. We want this special day to be memorable to our own families, as we all take time to prepare and dedicate ourselves to the loving care of St. Joseph.

A special challenge is being issued to all Family Life communities and organizations in all the Dioceses. Can you rally and pastor the fathers in your communities to lead the spiritual preparation of the family using the Novena attached below and to find a way to meaningfully dedicate the whole family to St. Joseph. We also ask them to review the materials below on the launching of the Men of St. Joseph. All our male members can still become part of the Men of St. Joseph in their parishes even if they are already part of other organizations.

The Consecration will be led by Bishop Ambo David at 11 a.m. and will be broadcasted in the TV Maria, Dominus Est, CBCP and Laiko FB pages. If your families cannot join the 11 am, you can still do it anytime within the day by watching the replay at the FB Pages mentioned. Make this memorable and significant for your families. Dress up, light some candles and do it prayerfully. Then please take pictures and post it on your FB pages with a hashtag #familiesforstjoseph. If possible, serve a special meal to celebrate.

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Virtual Gathering of Young Davids

To: All Laiko Members

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Good Day!

We are pleased to endorse to you this invitation from the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth to the “Sana Ol” part of the series of virtual gatherings for young public servants and their supporters this Friday, November 26,  6:00 PM.

As we communicated to you before, this is part of the Young David’s Program where ECY, NASSA &  LAIKO are collaborating to promote good governance especially to your young people.

Kindly encourage your youth groups to actively support and join this very important advocacy.

Thank you.

LAIKO Secretariat

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The Principled Partisan Politics, a Laiko Online Conversation

To: All LAIKO Members: Arch/Diocesan Councils of the Laity & National Lay Organizations

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Good day!

As we thank you for your constant support to the Online Conversations that we were conducting to highlight the areas of concerns identified in the Resolutions of our Biennial Convention, we invite you once more to the last conversation lined- up for this year.

For this Saturday, November 27, 2:00pm to 4:00 pm, we are pleased to invite you to the Online Conversation on “The Principled Partisan Politics”. We have invited the “LAIKO Warriors” to talk on us on our possible political engagement as lay faithful in the 2022 national elections.

Kindly invite the members of your organizations to join us too. To register, please email/inform Mr. Joseph Jesalva at

God bless & keep you all safe!

Sincerely in the service of the Lord,

The Education Agenda: A Laiko Online Conversation

November 16, 2021

To: All LAIKO Members: Arch/Diocesan Councils of the Laity & National Lay Organizations

Dear Brother and Sisters:

Good day!

As communicated before, the Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas will be conducting a series of follow-thru conversations this November to highlight the areas of concerns in the Resolutions of the recently concluded LAIKO National Convention.

For this Saturday, November 20, 2:00pm to 4:00 pm, we are pleased to invite you to the Online Conversation on “The Education Agenda” Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP). Speaker is Fr. Thadeu Enrique Balongag.

Kindly invite the members of your organizations to join us too. Below is the link to the event. To register, please email/inform Mr. Joseph Jesalva at

CBCP-LAIKO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Nov 20, 2021 02:00 PM
Meeting ID: 851 2931 0973
Passcode: 153040

Thank you very much.

Sincerely in the service of the Lord, 

Christian Engagement in Politics Today

07 November 2021

Dear Networks of the Clergy Discernment Group,

Greetings from Religious Discernment Group.

The Season of Advent will soon be in our midst. This year’s celebration of the seasons of Advent and Christmas is well within the context of the Filipino people’s preparation for the May 9, 2022 elections. elections. When “the Word became flesh and pitched his tent among us” (John 1:14) humanity found hope in him. Our nation longs to see hope for our country in the coming 2022 elections.

The RDG has planned a series of online discussions on politics in the country and elections in 2022. The first conference was held last October 16 with the theme, “Philippine Politics in Context”. It proved to be a fruitful discussion and sharing.

The RDG is planning for its second conference on 04 December 2021, Saturday at 9:00-11:30 AM. The theme is “Christian Engagement in Politics Today”. The objective of this second conference is to present and clarify the participation of Christians in politics: why we must participate and engage in politics and how we can work for a “better kind of politics” (Fratelli Tutti, 154).

In this regard, may we invite you to attend the second webinar?

The speakers who confirmed their participation are Most Reverend Broderick Pabillo, D.D. of Apostolic Vicariate of Taytay, Palawan and Rev. Fr. Dionito Cabillas of Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI).

Please pre-register at this online link: .

Please contact our secretariat through the email address: religious discernment @gmail .com or mobile number 09966193538, for any questions.

Thank you very much and we are looking forward to your generous and positive response.

Pope Francis on World Day of the Poor: Be ‘tireless builders of hope’ amid suffering

Pope Francis offers Mass for the fifth World Day of the Poor on Nov. 14, 2021. | Vatican Media/CNA

By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Nov 14, 2021

On the World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis urged Christians to be “tireless builders of hope” amid the darkness and suffering in the world.

“The World Day of the Poor which we are celebrating, asks us not to turn aside, not to be afraid to look closely at the suffering of those most vulnerable,” Pope Francis said in his homily on Nov. 14.

“Let us ask ourselves: what is demanded of us as Christians in the face of this reality? We are required to nurture tomorrow’s hope by healing today’s pain,” he said.

The pope offered Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in the presence of 2,000 people living in poverty and the volunteers who assist them, according to the Vatican.

In his homily, Francis emphasized the importance of making “concrete gestures” and drawing close to the poor to “sow hope.”

“The hope born of the Gospel has nothing to do with a passive expectation that things may be better tomorrow … but with making God’s promise of salvation concrete today. Today and everyday,” he said.

Vatican Media
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Statement of Support to the Position Paper on the RCEP Trade Agreement

The Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas supports the position and appeal of the representatives of farmers, fishers and the private sector who unanimously oppose the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement. We join them in urging the Senate to withhold its concurrence on the treaty.

The RCEP agreement, including its legal text and schedule of Philippine commitments, was finalized without consulting the agri-fisheries stakeholders, many of whom are directly affected by the treaty’s trade rules and concessions. Since there is no more opportunity to modify these commitments, at the detriment of our own economy and people, we strongly ask you our Senators not to give your concurrence.

In this same breath, we call upon our legislators to establish, fund and implement dedicated and sustained programs to improve the competitiveness and profitability of our farmers, fishers, traders, processors and exporters. This is what we truly need in order for us to recover from the economic impact of the current pandemic.

We trust that you will protect the genuine interests of the real economic builders of our society… our agri-fisheries heroes.

For the CBCP Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas Board,