Being Crucified In the Country Today

Fr. Pete Montallana

 “ May I never boast  except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, though which the world has been crucified  to me, and I to the world. ” (Gal.6,14)  – Powerful words of St. Paul to the Galatians.

No one can deny that thousands have been killed  allegedly fighting back – “nanlaban”  – crucified by a system disguised as an angel of light in the midst of the darkness of murder. And many have believed or forced to believe in this atrocity. The fishermen at Recto Bank have  been rammed and almost drowned but worse they also experienced  the State relinquishing its duty to defend them as mandated by the Constitution. The dwindling price of the  coconut is causing intense poverty among the coconut growers. The mining companies who have been destroying  the environment as documented during the time of former DENR Sec. Gina Lopez  continue to deprive the indigenous people of their ancestral lands.  Workers until now are  contractualized despite the election promise three years ago. The laws and policies continue to deplete the poor of their meager  resources which make  the rich richer. Fear has paralyzed and silenced  people  despite all glaring the  injustices and anomalies especially in the recently concluded election – with its computerized cheating, unprecedented vote buying and use of government resources –  to seat  in power allies. 

Worst. By and large we have pretended to be deaf to the alarm bells sounded by the UN scientists last  October  8, 2018 that the accumulation of carbon emissions in the atmosphere causing global warming has reached a critical stage  and that,  if we have to reverse the situation,  we have only 12 years left to make ambitious plans. Many of us  just cool ourselves to ward off the heat which we know would be worse for the next generation. Those in power  continue to push for more coal fired power plants, ravage the forests with more and wider  roads and with construction of dams unmindful of the climate emergency experienced now at the same time ignoring  the call for renewable energy. The Philippines has only less than 23 percent forest to cool us, provide for our needs  and absorb carbon emission.

The convenience of  the use plastic has made us unmindful of the plastic that has become part of the daily menu of the  fish which later eat. The Popes and particularly Pope Francis have been calling us to ecological conversion since he issued Laudato Si.

The call of St. Paul “Never to boast  except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ… to be crucified to the world” is a clarion call to resist  the Evil One in all its forms perpetrated by men and women in a system blinded by greed and sin.

The call “to be crucified to the world”  means:

to stand for the dignity and rights of every human person even if they  are  considered  drug addicts;

to be involved with the issues of the farmers, indigenous peoples, fisherfolks, workers and other marginalized groups;

to participate in a process of rectifying the anomalies  committed in the recent election;

and to participate in bringing about a system wherein no government official can use the power of the State to demonize anyone and wherein  the Constitution that is not selectively  implemented and not disregarded as toilet paper depending on what is most convenient.

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Invitation to Spirituality Forum

Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Manila
Tondo Manila

Dear Most Rev. Pabillo ,

Peace and Good Health!

The Institute of Spirituality in Asia (ISA) will hold its 19th Spirituality Forum this coming July 31- August 2, 2019 at the Mother Anne de Tilly Hall, St. Paul University, New Manila, Quezon City.

In harmony with the Philippine Church’ celebration of the Year of the Youth and in response to the challenges posed during the October 3-28, 2018 Synod of Bishops held in Rome, our 19th Spirituality forum carries the theme: “LOVE, POWER AND GRACE: CONVERSATIONS ON SPIRITUALITY WITH THE YOUNG PEOPLE”. It is very special in the sense that it is a sequel to our forum last year which was also focused on the spirituality of young people.

We cordially invite you and your members to this historic and important Spirituality Forum. Please refer to the attached files for further details.

Respectfully Yours in Christ,
Sr. Cora
Institute of Spirituality in Asia (ISA)
#28 Acacia Street cor. Rosario Drive
Brgy. Mariana, New Manila
1112 Quezon City, Philippines
Phone # (+63 2) 989 10 16 or (+63 2) 917 562 10 16

Rise and Resist: Our Prophetic Task

Dear friends:

This will give you an opportunity to testify.  So make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance; for I will give you words and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict.  (Luke 21:13-15)

June 30 marks a midpoint in the six-year term of the Duterte administration.  As we enter the second-half Duterte’s presidency, we look towards July 22, 2019, which will be the first day of the 18th Congress, where Duterte delivers his State of the Nation Address (SONA).

As TUBAW believers in truth, peace and justice, we invite you to join us in a forum for common reflection, discussion and discernment on the real state of the nation:

#RiseAndResist: Our Prophetic Task
9-11am, July 5, 2019
St. Joseph’s College Gymnasium, 295 E. Rodriguez Ave, QC.

In coming together, we hope to deepen and strengthen our resolve to embrace our prophetic role for these critical times. As faith impels us to speak bravely against all that threatens life, democracy, sovereignty, human rights and justice, we are lining up capable speakers, such as Mr. Neri Colmenares, President of the National Union of People’s Lawyers and Rosario Bella Guzan, Executive Director of IBON Foundation, to help us craft actions and common priorities of the weeks ahead.

We sincerely hope that you will join us in this important reflection and discussion on how we can better work together as ONE VOICE, for the good of the Filipino people.  We must transform challenges and disappointments, to harness our collective commitment to truth, peace, and justice in our nation.

For confirmation, queries and other concerns, please contact the secretariat through Mr. Nardy Sabino by email at or phone at 09283162109.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Yours in Christ,
Sr. Mary John Mananzan
Convener, One Faith, One Nation, One Voice

Male And Female He Created Them

CFC-FFL Statement On One Big Pride

The title of this statement comes from a recent pastoral statement from the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See, issued February 2, 2019. We have done so because the proponents of One Big Pride of the Ateneo claim to stand for “the core values of our beloved Catholic and Jesuit institution that has stood strong and stood proud for 159 years.”

The Catholic Church has stood for 2,000 years, and this document states authentic Catholic teaching about human sexuality. Let us look at some important points about the so-called gender ideology.

#1. – “…. we are now facing with what might accurately be called an educational crisis, especially in the field of affectivity and sexuality. …. In many places, curricula are being planned and implemented which ‘allegedly convey a neutral conception of the person and of life, yet in fact reflect an anthropology opposed to faith and to right reason.’”

#2. – “The context in which the mission of education is carried out is characterized by challenges emerging from varying forms of an ideology that is given the general name ‘gender theory’, which ‘denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences, ….’”

#19. – “Gender theory (especially in its most radical forms) speaks of a gradual process of denaturalization, that is a move away from nature …. as opposed to anything based on the truths of existence.”

We affirm that every person is equal in value and significance and thus should be treated with love and respect. We recognize the contributions LGBTQ+ persons can do for our society. We are against oppression and persecution of gay persons in society, and especially in Catholic schools, which should be safe environments for them. But we likewise affirm authentic Catholic teaching about human sexuality.

Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life (CFC-FFL) has always striven to uphold its mission of bringing the love of Christ to others, regardless of race, ideology or creed. As taught by the Catholic Church, we too seek to love and care for homosexual persons as Christ would. But we stand against sinful acts.

We warn of the dangers of gender ideology, as we have already seen the developments in the West and many parts of the world. It is an ideology that is contrary to faith, family and life. It is detrimental to the youth and their proper development as Christian men and women.

Male and female He created them.