Global Principles for a Just COVID-19 Relief Sign On

There is a request from the Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. (PMPI) to consider signing on on the Global Principles for a Just Response to COVID-19.

Here’s a summary of the principles:

  1. health is the top priority, for all people, with no exceptions
  2. provide economic relief directly to the people
  3. rescue workers and communities, not corporate executives
  4. make a down payment on a regenerative economy, while preventing future crises
  5. protect our democratic process while protecting each other

The response to global COVID-19 Pandemic and economic recession will take months, maybe years. The actions we take now will have an impact on people immediately and in the future. We do not have all the answers, and there will be many other fights to come, but we believe it is important that our voices are heard right now by decision-makers and the public. Building upon an initiative that has already gained robust support in the US across a wide range of constituencies and organizations, (see here, we are looking to bring together civil society and movement voices to set a tone in this early stage.

Link : Principles for a Just Response to COVID-19 sign-on

To be involved in this, you need to sign by 9am UTC Tuesday 24th of March. Please consider signing on (quickly) to display a broad powerful voice and counter the corporate lobbyists already knocking on politicians’ doors.

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