Instructions for Joining the Online Events of Laudato Si’ Week 2020

How to join the online events:

1.         Pre-register. You will then receive the zoom link for the event
2.         Download the Zoom application for your computers or smartphones by   going to
3.         Click the link you received after the pre-registration

We advise you to join the event through the link at least 15 minutes before the schedule as there may be a few seconds of delay between clicking on the link and joining the room.


1.         Upon entering the webinar, please mute Audio and disable Video. Participants will not be authorized to use Audio and Video features, except when asking a question during the allotted time.
2.         Please do not use the chat feature to avoid distracting our presenters. I would also like to remind everyone that the record feature of Zoom also records the chat.
3.         Participants who show inappropriate and offensive behavior will be removed from the webinar. 

Participating in the Q&A

1.         Raise Hand: The Raise Hand feature is located at the bottom right of the Chat. Raise your hand in order to indicate that you want to speak or ask a question out loud during the allotted time. The facilitator will take note of all participants who want to ask a question and will call upon them once the open forum commences. Do not spam the Raise Hand feature, the facilitator will take down your Hand once he is notified of your intent.
2.         If participants do not want to ask the question themselves, they can message the facilitator directly and share their question. The facilitator will be the one to ask the question.
3.         Please direct your question to a specified speaker. Please keep your questions concise and direct to the point.

Zoom platform can only accommodate a certain number of registered participants. Alternatively, you can view the Facebook livestream of the event and you’ll be able to ask questions via the comments section. Our staff will be taking note of the questions and communicate them to the Facilitator. 

All online events will be livestream on this link ( All participants to online events for Laudato Si Week 2020 except the Launching on May 16 will need to pre-register.

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience that you may incur. We are working on the best way to accommodate all participants.

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