ECCCE 500 YOC Week 25

The First Baptism in the Philippines by Fernando Amorsolo; oil on canvas.

Week 25 – June 16-22, 2019: JESUS GAZED AT HIM WITH LOVE

The gaze of Jesus can change a person’s life just like it did with St. Peter, Pope Francis said. “He always looks at us with love. He asks us something, he forgives us and he gives us a mission.”

When Jesus first met his apostle, “Jesus fixed his gaze upon him and said, ‘You are Simon, son of John; you will be called Peter,'” the pope said. “That was the first gaze, the gaze of mission” and Peter responded enthusiastically.

Then, after Jesus had been arrested and Peter denied Jesus three times, he feels the gaze of Jesus again and “weeps bitterly,” the pope said.

“The enthusiasm of following the Lord was turned into tears because he had sinned, he had denied Jesus,” the pope said. “That gaze changed Peter’s heart more than the first did. The first changed his name and vocation, but the second was a gaze that changed his heart; it was a conversion to love.”

The third gaze is recounted in the day’s Gospel, the pope said. Jesus looks at Peter, asks him if he loves him and tells him to feed his sheep.

The third gaze, he said, confirms Peter’s mission but also asks Peter to confirm his love.

The Gospel recounts more of the conversation, with Jesus warning Peter that his future will not be easy and that, in fact, he also will suffer and die.

Ask yourself, “how is Jesus gazing upon me? With a call? With forgiveness? With a mission?” the pope said (

Word of God

First Reading:         PRV 8:22-31

“When the Lord established the heavens I was there, when he marked out the vault over the face of the deep; when he made firm the skies above, when he fixed fast the foundations of the earth; when he set for the sea its limit, so that the waters should not transgress his command; then was I beside him as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while, playing on the surface of his earth; and I found delight in the human race.” (V 27-36).

Res. Ps.:         PS 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you set in place — What is man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man that you should care for him? (V 4-5).

Second Reading:     ROM 5:1-5

Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. (V 5).

Gospel: JN 16:12-15

Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you (V 15).


Sacrifice       Hope  Care  Trusting       Dedicated     Discern


“As the Father loves me, so I also love you” (Jn 15:9), and He then invites you to remain in His love by following His commandments (cf. Jn 14:15).


Youth, uphold and defend life and human dignity, the environment, justice, freedom and peace, among others—your families, the Church and our society recognize you, and need more of your willingness and dedication (CBCP Pastoral Letter for the 2019 Year of the Youth).


To encounter Jesus through moments of prayer, from the celebration of the Eucharist and other Sacraments, through the reading and study of the Word of God, in the pastoral youth formation activities and gatherings, in the participation in the life of the local churches, and through the works of mercy and charity (CBCP Pastoral Letter for the 2019 Year of the Youth). .

Faith Realities in Local Context

In the face of so many problems and difficulties today affecting our Christian life, families, social relationships and communities, as well as various personal and sociocultural concerns you raised in your letter (mental health, substance abuse, HIV-AIDS, access to education, environmental problems, human trafficking, politics, dialogue with cultures, digital community, etc.), you are able to exhibit the humility to seek the support that will lead you to discover your strengths and capabilities to live meaningful lives. Like Mary, you are humble enough to proclaim “How can this be…?” [Lk 1:34] and still give your assent in faith. This pleases not only the Lord but also your elders, because you are making us an important part of your development into mature individuals, fully aware of being persons called by God, capable of discerning decisions that positively impact your lives and those of others. We all long for a better world and society, for a renewed Church, and we see you as protagonists of this change, as the dynamic force of the Church now, when you reach out to the peripheries to bring Jesus and His message of salvation to the lost, the least and the last, including other young people like you who yearn to be loved, gifted and empowered (CBCP Pastoral Letter for the 2019 Year of the Youth).

Faith Response


To be at the service of others does not only mean to be ready for action. It means also to be in conversation with God with an attitude of listening, just like Mary. She listened to what the angel said to her and then she responded (


*          To discern, choose and act that will lead to a purposeful life—whether in the ordained ministry, consecrated life, marriage and family, or the single state—with the Spirit of the Risen Christ directing the steps in making and leaving a marked difference in the world and society [cf. Mt 28:19-20].

*          To open the eyes and ears, minds and hearts: to listen with a disposition of faith in Him, to turn steps from a world of fear and despair towards that of God’s Kingdom.


Father, forgive our Youth for disrespecting their parents, teachers, elders and any persons of authority.  Forgive them for not obeying the instructions of their parents.  Forgive them for using profanity, viewing movies and books of pornography, not studying, fornicating, gossiping, ridiculing others, and not representing the Kingdom of God in their daily living.  Forgive parents for not raising their Youth according to Your ways.  Forgive parents for provoking their Youth to anger by falsely accusing them, cursing them, or using profanity.  Forgive our parents and Youth for not representing the Kingdom of God in their homes.  Lord, forgive us as a Church Family for not always helping our parents and Youth; we know it takes a village to raise a child.  Lord, remind our parents and Youth to forgive one another and others; and help them to forgive (

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