Respect, Yes; Pride, No; Compassion, Yes; Celebration, No

CFC-FFL Statement On The Ateneo Pride March

The Ateneo community celebrated an event last March 15 dubbed the Ateneo Pride march, “One Big Pride.” The proponents spoke of hope and allowing strengths to shine and contribute to a better world and the common good.

We beg to disagree and we reiterate the following truths:

(1)   There are only two sexes as created by God, that is, male and female. Genders are social constructs, as we see with the continually evolving LGBTQIA+ genders. These have no basis in nature and reality.

(2)   Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and contrary to the natural law. Same-sex attraction itself is objectively disordered.

(3)   The LGBT Pride message and its celebration of homosexuality are contrary to the Catholic faith and thus injurious to the faithful, especially the young.

We aver that all persons deserve respect and compassion. In reality, gays in the Philippines are well accepted and not just tolerated. They certainly are not discriminated against nor persecuted.

But as we have seen in the Western world, where could all this lead to? We already know.

Normalization and even celebration of homosexuality.

A further deterioration of faith and morals

More Gay Pride parades with attendant immoral (un)dress and behavior.

Gender inclusivity and acceptance of LGBT being taught to Grade School children.

Transgender men invading women’s restrooms.

Transgenders resorting to radical measures to “change” their sex, such as taking hormones or steroids or having surgical intervention.

Drag Queen story hours in libraries.

Transgender men taking over women’s sports.

Legislation penalizing so-called “hate” speech when one speaks against homosexuality.

We call on the Ateneo, and all Catholic universities, to return to the very nature of Catholic education, and that is to raise strong Catholic men and women, who also are properly schooled.

We call on our bishops to educate the faithful on authentic Catholic teaching on homosexuality, and to strongly defend the faith, especially in Catholic institutions of learning, which are forming the young minds of our Catholics.

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