Invitation to Deep Journey into Laudato Si

Peace flowing from the heart of Mother Earth and of the One who brought Her into being!

You are cordially invited to the Deep Journey into Laudato Si Symposium which will be offered in Malate Church, Our Lady of Remedies Parish, M.H. Del Pilar Street, Malate Manila on September 21,  2019, 8:00 AM-12:00 at the Audio Visual Room, 2nd Floor, RJMC Building, Malate Church Compound.

The purpose of the Deep Journey into Laudato Si Symposium is to RAISE AWARENESS ON THE URGENCY TO RESPOND TO THE CALL OF LAUDATO SI’ TO CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME. It is a modification of Pachamama Alliance’s Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium launched in 2005 with the purpose of bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.

Since Pope Francis issued his encyclical, Laudato Si, On Care for our Common Home in 2015, GCCM-Pilipinas has been sharing and propagating the symposium. Malate Church-Our Lady of Remedies Parish has joined us in this advocacy. Now more than ever, the urgency to engage and inform our people about our planet in crisis cannot be emphasized enough.  All of us can do our share in saving our Mother Earth.

Enclosed is our event poster. Kindly invite your friends and family to this symposium. Please open this link DJLS Sympo FB Invite and help us promote this event by sharing it with your friends, partners and network and posting it on your bulletin boards, website, FB Page/accounts.

We would deeply appreciate if you could come and join us in this event. Please get in touch with anyone of the following:  Marge: 09397714656,  Ruby: 09178355768, Malate Church 02-5232593, or Karen of GCCM-Pilipinas at (02) 372-3257; 0917-862-4008. You may also visit FB: GCCM-Pilipinas or Website:


Fr. John Leydon, MSSC                                             Fr. Leo Distor, MSSC Chairperson                                                                Parish Priest
GCCM-Pilipinas                                          Malate Church-Our Lady of Remedies

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